Hiramura, H., Uji, M., Shikai, N., Chen, Z., Matsuoka, N. and Kitamura, T.: Understanding externalizing behavior from children's temperament and parental rearing. Psychiatry Research, 175; 142-147, 2010.
Takeuchi, M. S., Miyaoka, H., Tomoda, A., Suzuki, M., Liu, Q., and Kitamura, T.: The effect of interpersonal touch during childhood on adult attachment and depression: A neglected area of family and developmental psychology? Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19; 109-117, 2010.
Kitamura, T.: Do mental disorders really exist? Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, 20; 72-74、2010.
Igarashi, H., Hasui, C., Uji, M., Shono, M., Nagata, T., and Kitamura, T.: Effects of child abuse history on borderline personality traits, negative life events, and depression: A study among a university student population in Japan. Psychiatry Research, 180; 120-125, 2010
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Hasui, C., Igarashi, H., Shikai, N., Shono, M., Nagata, T., and Kitamura, T.: The Resilience Scale: A duplication study in Japan. Open Family Studies Journal, 2; 15-22, 2009.
Furukawa, T. A., Yoshimura, R., Harai, H., Imaizumi, T., Takeuchi, H., Kitamura, T., and Takahashi, K.: How many well vs. unwell days can you expect over 10 years, once you become depressed? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 119; 290-297, 2009.
Matsudaira, T., Igarashi, H., Kikuchi, H., Kano, R., Mitoma, H., Ohuchi, K., and Kitamura, T.: Factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in Japanese psychiatric outpatient and student populations. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 7; 42, 2009.
Igarashi, H., Kikuchi, H., Kano, R., Mitoma, H., Shono, M., Hasui, C., and Kitamura, T.: The Inventory of Personality Organisation: Its psychometric properties among student and clinical populations in Japan. Annals of General Psychiatry, 8; 9, 2009.
Kitamura, T., Yamashita, H., and Yoshida, K.: Seeking medical support for depression after the childbirth: A Study of Japanese community mothers of 3-month-old babies. Open Women's Health Journal, 3; 1-4, 2009.
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Shikai N, Shono M, Kitamura T.: Effects of coping styles and stressful life events on depression and anxiety in Japanese nursing students: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 15; 198-204, 2009.
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Tanaka, N., Hasui, C., Uji, M., Hiramura, T., Chen, Z., Shikai, N., and Kitamura, T.: Correlates of the categories of adolescent attachment styles: Perceived rearing, family function, early life events, and personality. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 62; 65-74, 2008.
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Hiramura, H., Shono, M., Tanaka, N., Nagata, T., and Kitamura, T.: Prospective study on suicidal ideation among Japanese undergraduate students: Correlation with stressful life events, depression, and depressogenic cognitive patterns. Archives of Suicide Research, 12; 238-250, 2008.
Shikai, N., Uji, M., Shono, M., Nagata, T., and Kitamura, T.: Dispositional coping styles and childhood abuse history among Japanese undergraduate students. Open Family Studies Journal, 1; 76-80, 2008.
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