- Uji, M., Shikai, N., Shono, M. and Kitamura, T.: Case illustrations of negative sexual experiences among university women in Japan: victimization disclosure and reactions of the confidant. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 51; 227-242, 2007.
Yamashita, H., Ariyoshi, A., Uchida, H., Tanishima, H., Kitamura, T. and Nakano, H.: Japanese midwives as psychiatric diagnosticians: Application of criteria of DSM-IV mood and anxiety disorders to case vignettes. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 61; 226-233, 2007.
- Uji, M., Shono, M., Shikai, N., and Kitamura, T.: Contribution of shame and attribution style in developing PTSD among Japanese university women with negative sexual experiences. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 10; 111-120, 2007.
Chen, Z., Tanaka, N., Uji, M., Hiramura, H., Shikai, N., Fujihara, S., and Kitamura, T.: The role of personality for marital adjustment of Japanese couples. Social Behavior and Personality, 35; 561-572, 2007.
Uji, M., Shono, M., Shikai, N., Hiramura, T. and Kitamura, T.: Rape Myth Scale: Factor structure and its relationship with the gender egalitarianism among Japanese professionals. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 61; 392-400, 2007.
Shikai, N., Uji, M., Chen, Z., Hiramura, H., Tanaka, N., Shono, M., and Kitamura, T.: The role of coping styles and self-efficacy in the development of dysphoric mood among nursing students. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavior Assessment, 29; 241-248, 2007.
Kitamura, T., and Takahashi, N.: Ethical and conceptual aspects of capacity assessments in psychiatry. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 20; 578-581, 2007.
Ekino, S., Susa, M., Ninomiya, T., Imamura, K., and Kitamura, T.: Minamata diseases revisited: An update on the acute and chronic manifestations of methyl mercury poisoning. Journal of Neurological Sciences, 262; 131-144, 2007.
- 今井美緒,北村俊則:SCID による面接の方法.助産雑誌,61; 930-935, 2007.
- 北村總子,北村俊則:日本の精神科医療の回顧と展望―精神疾患を有する者の医療における自己決定―.高橋隆雄,浅井篤(編)日本の生命倫理:回顧と展望.pp. 131-159. 九州大学出版会,福岡, 2007.
- 北村俊則(編):事例で読み解く周産期メンタルヘルスケアの理論:産後うつ病発症のメカニズムの理解のために.医学書院,東京, 2007.
- 北村俊則:はじめに 北村俊則(編):事例で読み解く周産期メンタルヘルスケアの理論:産後うつ病発症のメカニズムの理解のために. pp. 1-12, 医学書院, 2007.
- 北村俊則:ライフイベンツ 北村俊則(編):事例で読み解く周産期メンタルヘルスケアの理論:産後うつ病発症のメカニズムの理解のために. pp. 47-63, 医学書院, 2007.
- 北村俊則:熊本大学医学部附属病院こころの診療科における卒後研修システム:後期研修プログラムを中心に.九州神経精神医学, 53(2); 142-145, 2007.
Matsuoka, N., Uji, M., Hiramura, H., Chen, Z., Shikai, N., Kishida, Y. and Kitamura, T.: Adolescents' attachment style and early experiences: A gender difference. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 9; 23-29, 2006.
- Matsudaira, T. and Kitamura, T.: Personality traits as risk factors of depression and anxiety among Japanese students. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62; 97-109, 2006.
北村總子,北村俊則,塚田和美,加藤元一郎:日本の精神医療における情報開示:実態と規定要因.先端倫理研究. 1; 39-62, 2006.
Uji, M., Hiramura, T., Shikai, N., Shono, M., and Kitamura, T.: Egalitarian sex role attitudes among Japanese human service professionals: Confirmatory factor analytic study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 60; 296-302, 2006.
Kitamura, T., Yoshida, K., Okano, T., Kinoshita, K., Hayashi, M., Toyoda, N., Ito, M., Kudo, N., Tada, K., Kanazawa, K., Sakumoto, K., Satoh, S., Furukawa, T. and Nakano, H.: Multicentre prospective study of perinatal depression in Japan: Incidence and correlates of antenatal and postnatal depression. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 9; 121-130, 2006.
Tanaka, N., Uji, M., Hiramura, H., Chen, Z., Shikai, N. and Kitamura, T.: Cognitive patterns and depression: Study of a Japanese university student population. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 60; 358-364, 2006.
Kitamura, T. and Hasui, C.: Anger feelings and anger expression as a mediator of the effects of witnessing family violence on anxiety and depresssion in Japanese adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21; 843-85, 2006.
- Uji, M., Tanaka, N., Shono, M. and Kitamura, T.: Factorial structure of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) in Japan: A study of cultural, developmental, gender influences. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 37; 115-132, 2006.
Hashimoto, K., Ikegami, K., Nakajima, H., and Kitamura, T.: Werner Syndrome with Psychosis: A case report. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 60; 773-773, 2006.
- 北村俊則:EBMは医療を変えるか? 上島国利,三村将,中込和幸,平島奈津子(編)EBM精神疾患の治療 ,pp. 2006-2007.中外医学社,東京, 2006.
- 上里一郎(監修)北村俊則(編)抑うつの現代的諸相:心理・社会的側面から科学する.ゆまに書房,東京, 2006.
- 北村俊則:抑うつの評価方法 上里一郎(監修)北村俊則(編)抑うつの現代的諸相:心理・社会的側面から科学する. 25-36, ゆまに書房, 2006.
- 北村俊則:ストレスを学ぶ.マイライフ, 8-11, April, 2006.
Kitamura, T.: Looking with both the eyes and heart open: the meaning of life in psychiatric diagnosis. World Psychiatry, 4; 93-94, 2005.
Kitamura, T.: Stress-reductive effects of information disclosure to medical and psychiatric patients. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 59; 627-633, 2005.
- 松岡奈緒,北村俊則:【分子精神医学のための臨床評価】Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID).分子精神医学, 5; 47-50, 2005.
- 北村俊則:パーソナリティ障害とパーソナリティ傾向の形成に与える心理社会的要因.九州神経精神医学,51; 7-18, 2005.
- 平村英寿,岡野高明,北村俊則:妊娠中にうつ病になる女性.母子保健情報,51; 2-8, 2005.
- 中野仁雄(監修)新道幸恵,北村俊則(編集):心理的問題をもつ妊産褥婦のケア―助産師による実践事例集.医学書院,東京, 2005.
- 北村俊則:診断.風祭元,山下格(編集)統合失調症.pp 33-41, 日本評論社,東京, 2005.
Kitamura, T. and Kitamura, F.: Competency Testing in Medical and Psychiatric Practice: Legal and Psychological Concepts and Dilemmas. in (Takahashi, T. ed.) Taking Life and Death Seriously - Bioethics from Japan. pp. 113-137, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005.
- Kitamura, T. and Kishida, Y.: Early experiences and development of personality: A study of the Temperament and Character Inventory in 4000 university students in Japan. In (ed.) L. V. Kingler, Trends in Lifestyle and Health Research, pp. 1-20, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers, 2005.
Kawakami, N., Shimizu, H., Haratani, T., Iwata, N., and Kitamura, T.: Lifetime and 6-month prevalence of DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders in an urban community in Japan. Psychiatry Research, 121; 293-301, 2004.
- Hasui, C., Kishida, Y. and Kitamura, T.: Factor structure of the FACES-III in Japanese university students. Family Process, 43; 133-140, 2004.
Kitamura, T., Takauma, F., Tada, K., Yoshida, K., and Nakano, H.: Postnatal depression, social support, and child abuse. World Psychiatry, 3; 100-101, 2004.
Nakano, Y., Oshima, M., Sugiuwa-Ogasawara, M., Aoki, K., Kitamura, T. and Furukawa, T. A.: Psychosocial predictors of successful delivery after unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion: a cohort study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 109; 440-446, 2004.
- Hasui, C. and Kitamura, T.: Aggression and guilt during mourning by parents who lost an infant. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 68; 245-259, 2004.
Kitamura, T., Hirano, H., Chen, Z. and Hirata, M.: Factor structure of the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale in first-year university students in Japan. Psychiatry Research, 128; 281-287, 2004.
- 矢田部裕介,城野匡,北村俊則:うつ病の発症関連因子:心理社会的危険因子.CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 22; 144-146, 2004.
- 柊中智恵子,永田まなみ,北村俊則,吉川武彦:臓器移植ドナー家族のメンタルヘルスケア―諸外国における臓器移植に関する文献的研究を通しての考察.精神科診断学,15; 5-14, 2004.
- 平村英寿,北村俊則:うつ病における自殺危険因子.臨床精神薬理, 7(7); 1133-1139, 2004.
- 北村俊則:周産期精神医学における疫学的アプローチ―発症危険因子モデルの検討―.臨床精神医学, 33; 979-982, 2004.
- Kitamura, T. and Hiramura, H.: Competency assessment in psychiatry and medicine. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 17; 493-496, 2004.
- 陳孜,北村俊則:うつ病の診断.カレントテラピー, 23; 14-17, 2004.