- Kitamura, T., Aoki, M., Fujino, M., Ura, C., Watanabe, M., Watanabe, K. and Fujihara, S.: Sex differences in marital and social adjustment. Journal of Social Psychology, 138; 26-32, 1998.
Kitamura, T., Toda, M. A., Shima, S., Sugawara, K. and Sugawara, M.: Social support and pregnancy: I. Factorial structure and psychosocial correlates of perceived social support. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 52; 29-36, 1998.
Kitamura, T., Toda, M. A., Shima, S., Sugawara, K. and Sugawara, M.: Social support and pregnancy: II. Its relationship with depressive symptoms among Japanese women. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 52; 37-45, 1998.
- Kitamura, T., Sugawara, M., Shima, S. and Toda, M. A.: Relationship of order and number of siblings to perceived parental attitudes in childhood. Journal of Social Psychology, 138; 342-350, 1998.
- Sugiura, T., Hasui, C., Aoki, Y., Sugawara, M., Tanaka, E., Sakamoto, S. and Kitamura, T.: Japanese psychology students as psychiatric diagnosticians: Application of criteria of mood and anxiety disorders to written case vignettes using the RDC and DSM-IV. Psychological Reports, 82; 771-781, 1998.
Kitamura, T., Kijima, N., Aihara, W., Tomoda, A., Fukuda, R. and Yamamoto, M.: Depression and early experiences among young Japanese women: multiple facets of experiences and subcategories of depression. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 1; 27-37, 1998.
- 坂本真士,杉浦朋子,蓮井千恵子,北村總子,友田貴子,田中江里子,木島伸彦,丹野義彦,北村俊則:精神疾患への偏見の形成に与る要因-社会心理的手法によるアプローチ. 精神保健研究, 11; 5-13, 1998.
- 友田貴子,木島伸彦,斎藤令衣,北村總子,住山孝寛,安宮理恵,塚田和美,田中眞,三島修一,川上郁子,北村俊則:精神疾患と判断能力-内科患者との比較を通して. 精神保健研究, 44; 37-43, 1998.
- 北村總子,北村俊則:精神疾患を有する者のための権利擁護者(advocate)制度-その歴史と役割-. 精神保健研究, 11; 45-60, 1998.
Aoki, K., Furukawa, T., Ogasawara, M., Hori, S. and Kitamura, T.: Psychosocial factors of recurrent miscarriages. Acta Obsterica et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 77; 572-573, 1998.
Furukawa, T., Harai, T., Hirai, T., Fujihara, S., Kitamura, T., Takahashi, K. and the Group for Longitudinal Affective Disorders Study (GLADS): Childhood parental loss and alcohol dependence among Japanese men: a case-control study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 97; 403-407, 1998.
Kitamura, F., Tomoda, A., Tsukada, K., Tanaka, M., Kawakami, I., Mishima, S. and Kitamura, T.: Method for assessment of competency to consent in the mentally ill: Rationale, development, and comparison with the medically ill. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 21; 223-244, 1998.
Kitamura, T., Okazaki, Y., Fujinawa, A., Takayanagi, I. and Kasahara, Y.: Dimensions of schizophrenic positive symptoms: An exploratory factor analysis investigation. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 248; 130-135, 1998.
- Tanaka, E., Sakamoto, S., Ono, Y., Fujihara, S. and Kitamura, T.: Hopelessness in a community population: factorial structure and psychosocial correlates. Journal of Social Psychology, 138; 581-590, 1998.
- Kitamura, T., Toda, M. A., Shima, S. and Sugawara, M.: Single and repeated elective abortions in Japan: A psychosocial study. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 19; 126-134, 1998.
Kitamura, T., Sugawara, M., Toda, M. A. and Shima, S.: Childhood adversities and depression: I. Effects of early parental loss on the rearing behaviour of the remaining parent. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 1; 131-136, 1998.
Furukawa, T., Takeuchi, H., Hirai, T., Fujihara, S., Kitamura, T. and Takahashi, K.: A possible association between parental longevity and major depression among elderly men. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 52; 577-579, 1998.
- Tanaka, E., Sakamoto, S., Kijima, N. and Kitamura, T.: Different personalities between depression and anxiety. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54; 1043-1051, 1998.
Furukawa, T., Mizukawa, R., Hirai, T., Fujihara, S., Kitamura, T., Takahashi, K.: Childhood parental loss and schizophrenia: Evidence against pathogenetic but for some pathoplastic effects. Psychiatry Research, 81; 353-362, 1998.
- Kawakami, N., Iwata, N., Fujihara, S. and Kitamura, T.: Prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome in a community population in Japan. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 186; 33-41, 1998.
- 北村俊則:分裂感情障害障害研究の方法論的批判. 精神医学, 40; 163-165, 1998.
- 坂本真士,北村俊則:精神疾患と偏見. Psychiatry Today, 23, 1-4, 1998.
- 北村俊則:初学者のための精神症状学入門 (IV). 精神科診断学, 9; 117-136, 1998.
- 北村俊則:初学者のための精神症状学入門 (V). 精神科診断学, 9; 291-306, 1998.
- 北村俊則:初学者のための精神症状学入門 (VI). 精神科診断学, 9; 405-424, 1998.
- 富田拓郎,北村俊則:精神症状評価尺度の妥当性に関する方法論的問題点. 臨床精神神経薬理, 2; 13-17, 1998.
- 北村俊則:母子の精神面支援へ向けて―キーノート―. 日本新生児学会雑誌, 34; 759-761, 1998.
- Kitamura, T.: Psychiatric epidemiology in Japan: Towards psychological understanding of the aetiology of minor psychiatric disorders. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 52(supplement); s275-277, 1998.
- 北村俊則:初学者のための精神症状学入門 (VII). 精神科診断学, 9; 555-563, 1998.
- Okano, T., Nomura, J., Kaneko, E., Tamaki, R., Murata, M., Koshikawa, N., Kitamura, T., Stein, G. and Kumar, R.: Epidemiological and biological aspects of postpartum psychiatric illness. in (ed. J. Nomura) Neurobiology of Depression and Related Disorders. pp 143-161. Mie Academic Press. Tsu, 1998.
- 大塚俊男,風祭元,北村俊則,松下正明,三浦勇夫,守屋裕文,山崎敏雄(編):エビデンス精神科医療-実証的証拠に基づく精神疾患の治療指針. 日本評論社,東京, 1998.
- 北村俊則:精神疾患を有する人々の社会参加を阻むもの-特集にあたって-.精神保健研究, 11; 3-4, 1998.
- 北村俊則:現代の古典 (28) Parker 仮説:児童期の養育体験はその後の精神疾患の発症危険要因か?.精神科診断学, 9; 565-568, 1998.
- Tanaka, E., Kijima, N. and Kitamura, T.: Correlations between the Temperament and Character Inventory and the self-rating depression scale among Japanese students. Psychological Reports, 80; 251-254, 1997.
- Furukawa, T., Anraku, K., Hiroe, T., Takahashi, K., Kitamura, T., Takahashi, K. and Iida, M.: Screening for depression among first-visit psychiatric patients: comparison of different scoring methods for the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) using receiver operating characteristics analyses. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 51; 71-78, 1997.
- 島悟,荒井稔,廣尚典,角田透,桂宗孝,河部康男,森岩基,林剛司,塚本浩二,庄司正実,中川茂昭,小泉典章,野田順子,鎗田圭一郎,工藤康嗣,新居智恵,倉林るみい,池田正雄,北村俊則,藤縄昭,丸田敏雅,加藤正明:勤労者におけるA型行動パターンに関する研究. タイプA, 8; 47-53, 1997.
- Kitamura, T., Nakamura, M., Miura, I. and Fujinawa, A.: Symptoms of neuroses: Profile patterns and factor structure of clinic attenders with non-psychotic functional psychiatric disorders. Psychopathology, 30; 191-199, 1997.
Sugawara, M., Toda, M. A., Shima, S., Mukai, T., Sakakura, K. and Kitamura, T.: Premenstrual mood changes and maternal mental health in pregnancy and the postpartum period. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 53; 225-232, 1997.
Tomoda, A., Yasumiya, R., Sumiyama, T., Kitamura, F. and Kitamura, T.: Validity and reliability of Structured Interview for Competency Incompetency Assessment Testing and Ranking Inventory. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 53; 443-450, 1997.
- 坂本真士,友田貴子,木島伸彦,田中江里子,北村總子,斎藤令衣,北村俊則:精神科領域における疾患の一般的呼称に関する研究 I. 精神科診断学,8; 241-248, 1997.
- 坂本真士,友田貴子,木島伸彦,田中江里子,北村總子,斎藤令衣,北村俊則:精神科領域における疾患の一般的呼称に関する研究 II. 精神科診断学, 8; 241-248, 1997.
- Furukawa, T., Hirai, T., Kitamura, T. and Takahashi, K.: Application of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale among first-visit psychiatric patients: A new approach to improve its performance. Journal of Affective Disorders, 46, 1-13, 1997.
- 友田貴子,岩田昇,北村俊則:地域調査データに基づく閾値下うつ病の頻度とその特徴. 精神科診断学, 8; 391-401, 1997.
- 北村俊則:軽症精神疾患の疫学. 精神医学レビュー 24巻 精神障害の疫学, 31-34, 1997.
- 北村俊則:周産期の女性のうつ病:その頻度と発生要因. 日本新生児学会雑誌, 33; 454-456, 1997.
- 北村俊則:初学者のための精神症状学入門 (I). 精神科診断学, 8; 193-207, 1997.
- 北村俊則:初学者のための精神症状学入門 (II). 精神科診断学, 8; 315-321, 1997.
- 北村俊則:初学者のための精神症状学入門 (III). 精神科診断学, 8; 421-430, 1997.
- 渡辺登,北村俊則:その他の代表的な疾患の概要. 改訂福祉士養成講座編集委員会(編)三訂介護福祉士養成講座第11巻,精神保健.東京中央法規出版,東京,1997.
- 北村總子,北村俊則(訳)アメリカ合衆国の「精神疾患患者の保護と擁護法」.精神保健研究, 43; 75-86, 1997.
Spitzer, R. L., Gibbon, M. and Endicott, J.: Global Assessment Scale 北村俊則,加藤元一郎,崎尾英子,島悟(共訳)総合評価尺度 (GAS) と症例要旨集.精神科診断学, 8; 281-304, 1997.