- 北村俊則:治療成績を知る患者の権利:生命倫理学的考察. 日本社会精神医学会雑誌, 25 (1); 36-40, 2016.
- 北村俊則:慢性抑うつ状態の構造:状態抑うつと特性抑うつ.精神科臨床サービス, 16(1); 114-119, 2016.
- Matsunaga, A., and Kitamura, T.: The effects of symptoms, diagnostic labels, and education in psychiatry on the stigmatization towards schizophrenia: A questionnaire survey among a lay population in Japan. Mental Illness, 8; 6344, 2016.
- Ohashi, Y., Kitamura, T., Sakanashi, K., and Tanaka, T.: Postpartum bonding disorder: Factor structure, validity, reliability and a model comparison of the Postnatal Bonding Questionnaire. Healthcare, 4; 50, 2016.
- Ohashi, Y., Sakanashi, K., Tanaka, T., and Kitamura1, T.: Mother-to-infant bonding disorder, but not depression, 5 days after delivery is a risk factor for neonatal emotional abuse: A study in Japanese mothers of 1-minth olds. Open Family Studies Journal, 8: 27-36. 2016.
- Baba, K., Takauma, F., Tada, K., Tanaka, T., Sakanashi, K., Kataoka, Y., and Kitamura, T: Factor Structure of the Conflict Tactics Scale. International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery. (in the press)
- 村瀬由利子,北村俊則:死産経験から発症した悲哀 岡野禎治,鈴木利人,杉山隆,新井陽子(編)クロストークから読み解く周産期メンタルヘルス.南山堂,東京,2016.
- Adachi, K., Toyoda, M., Kitamura, T., and Ueno, T.: Illness perceptions of breast cancer in Japanese middle- and early old-aged women: Psychometric properties of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire for use in diagnosing breast cancer in Japan. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 5(12), 1491-1501, 2015.
- 北村俊則,松長麻美:成年後見制度において医療が必要な者の意思能力の概念とその評価,成年後見 54, 15-22, 2015
- Kitamura, T., Takegata, M., Haruna, M., Yoshida, Y., Yamashita, H., Murakami, M., and Goto, Y.: The Mother-Infant Bonding Scale: Factor structure and psychosocial correlates of parental bonding disorders in Japan. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 393-401, 2015.
- Ohashi, Y., Takegata, M., Haruna, M., Kitamura, T., Takauma, F., and Tada, K.: Association of specific negative life events with depression severity one month after childbirth in community-dwelling mothers, International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 2(2); 13-20, 2015.
- 松長麻美,北村俊則:対人関係理論に基づく自殺のリスク評価.精神科治療学,30(3); 333-338, 2015.
- Takegata, M., Haruna, M., and Kitamura, T.: Continuous education for perinatal mental health among clinical midwives: Necessity and a literature review. International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 2(6); 73-77, 2015.
- Kitamura, T., Ohashi, Y., Minatani, M., Haruna, M., Murakami, M., & Goto, Y.: Disagreement between parents on assessment of child temperament traits. Pediatrics International, 57, 1090-1096, 2015.
- 北村俊則:周産期メンタルヘルスの臨床と研究における心理社会的アプローチの役割.精神神経学雑誌, 116; 1005-1011, 2015.