Takegata, M., Ohashi, Y., Nguyen, H. A. T., Toizawa, M., Moriuchi, H., Dang, D. A., Yoshida, L.-M., Gartstein, M. A., Putnum, S., & Kitamura, T.: Factor structure and measurement invariance of the Very Short Form of Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised (IBQR-VSF): A study among Vietnamese children. Healthcare, 10; 689, 2022.
Yamada, F., Kataoka, Y., & Kitamura, T.: Development and validation of a short version of the primary scales of the Inventory of Personality Organization: A study among Japanese university students, Psychology, 13; 872-890, 2022.
羽田彩子, 山田蕗子, 竹田省, 北村俊則:感染症蔓延下での妊婦の心理的メカニズムは適応的か?COVID-19 感染に対する脅威をめぐって. 周産期医学, 52(6); 825-828, 2022.
Yamada, F., Kataoka, Y., Minatani, M., Hada, A., Wakamatsu, M., and Kitamura, T.: The NVP QOL Questionnaire: Psychometric properties of the self-report measure of health-related quality of life for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports, 1; e21, 2022
Shiraishi, N., Murakami, M., Goto, Y., & Kitamura, T.: Intergenerational transmission of child-rearing styles mediated by adult attachment: A structural equation model approach. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports, 1; e22, 2022.
Hada, A., Imura, M., and Kitamura, T.: Development of a scale for parent-to-baby emotions: Concepts, design, and factor structure Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports, 1; e30, 2022.
Kitamura, T., Matsunaga, A., Hada, A., Ohashi, Y., and Takeda, S.: Development of a scale for COVID-19 stigma and its psychometric proper-ties: A study among pregnant Japanese women. Behavior Sciences, 12; 257, 2022.
Saito, T., Takeda, S., and Kitamura, T.: Who considers the termination of pregnancy? Approach from stress theory. Hypertension Research in Pregnancy, 10(3); 80-87, 2022.
Hada, A., Minatani, M., Wakamatsu, M., & Kitamura, T.: Disability during early pregnancy: Using the Sheehan Disability Scale during the first trimester in Japan. Healthcare, 10; 2514, 2022.
北村俊則, 羽田彩子, 大橋優紀子:周産期の身体とこころ:産後うつ病のホルモン仮説. ペリネイタルケア, 2022: 10-15, 2022.
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- 臼井由利子, 北村俊則:産後うつ病 ―産後女性と家族をどう支援するか. 周産期医学 (in the print)
- 北村俊則+こころの診療科きたむら醫院スタッフ:ボンディング障害支援ガイドブック:周産期メンタルヘルス援助者のために. 日本評論社, 2022.
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Matsunaga, A., Ohashi, Y., Sakanshi, K., and Kitamura, T.: Factor structure of the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire: Configural invariance and measurement invariance across postpartum time periods. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 135; 1-7, 2021.
北村俊則:操作的診断基準と疾病分類の功罪:過去・現在・未来, 精神医学, 63(4), 437-442, 2021.
Wakamatsu, M., Minatani, M., Hada, A., and Kitamura, T.: The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 among first-trimester pregnant women in Japan: Factor structure and measurement and structural invariance between nulliparas and multiparas and across perinatal measurement time points. Open Journal of Depression, 10; 121-137, 2021.
Hada, A., Minatani, M., Wakamatsu, M., Koren, G., and Kitamura, T.: The pregnancy-unique quantification of emesis and nausea (PUQE-24): Configural, measurement, and structural invariance between nulliparas and multiparas and across two measurement time points. Healthcare, 9; 1553, 2021.
Takegata, M., Matsunaga, A., Ohashi, Y., Toizumi, M., Yoshida, L. M., and Kitamura, T.: Prenatal and intrapartum factors associated with infant temperament: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 609020, 2021.
Hada, A., Imura, M., & Kitamura, T.: Parent to baby emotions: Parental immediate emotional re-actions towards infant crying. Open Psychology Journal, 14: 338-341, 2021.
- 北村俊則、臼井由利子,大橋優紀子,齋藤知見,篠原枝里子,羽田彩子,馬場香里,松原麻美,山岸由紀子,山田蕗子,山本真実:周産期メンタルヘルススタッフのための多職種連携教本.北村メンタルヘルス研究所.2021.